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My goals to accomplish by 2020

  1. Get a high school degree from greenland high school. 

  2. Get a scolarship to play in college as a football player.

  3. Get 1 million subs on youtube to be able to get noticed by mlg.

  4. Be a mlg player on the optic cruie to be able to not work as a adult .

  5. save up 100,000 dollars to  by a car. 

My goals to accomplish by 2025

  1. By a house so i dont be homeless.

  2. Be on a mlg team so i dont have to get a job.

  3. Have a girl of my dreams so im not lonly.

  4. get a computer so i can live stream on youtube or once i get sponcerd. 

  5. get sponcerd by astrid and redbull and a computer company. 

My goald to accomplish by 2035

  1. Get married so i can be happy for the rest of my life.

  2. Have kids so i can love and teach them about sports.

  3. Travel the wotld to see home other people leave.

  4. create a thing to help stop sickness

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